Our Partners

Our objectives are met through the work minga for biodiversity developed through our network of partners.
Our main international partners are: Orchid Conservation Alliance, Rainforest Trust, Booking YLT, Foundation EcoStudio, in addition to World Land Trust (Uk), IUCN – Netherlands and the Association Reserves Dracula (Switzerland). All donations that are made aimed at EcoMinga are tax deductible.

Urs Fischer & Family

Heinz Schneider and Raffaella Chapuis

John V. Moore

Malli & Vera Lee Rao

Henri Botter & Ardy Van Ooij

Judith Rapacz

Mark Wilson

Olivier Currat

Adela Espinoza and Antonio Páez

Luna Runtun

Our foundation is part of:
  • Committee of Ecuador to the Defense of Nature and the Environment (CEDENMA)
  • Chocó Alliance
  • International union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
In addition we work in partnership and coordination with the following organizations:
  • National institute of Biodiversity (INABIO)
  • Foundation Oscar Efren Reyes
  • Group Dotson
  • Fundación Jocotoco
  • Finca La Argentina & Group Herpetological The Sapada
  • Commune Villaflora of Manduriacu
  • SIT Ecuador