
Province of Tungurahua, canton Bathrooms, parish Green River.

Surrounding communities:

Machay and San Francisco (San Juan de Dios).


1821 hectares.


Montane forest, upper montane and lower montane.


Altitudinal range:

1300 – 3400 masl

Endangered species:

Tremarctos ornatus (VU), Spizaetus isidori (IN), Osornophryne simpsoni (IN), Pristimantis bellae (IN), P. eriphus (VU), Magnolia vargasiana (VU),  P. tinguichaca  (VU),  P. yanezi (NT).

Description of the area

This booking is covered by forests, mountain high (11%), montane forest (76%), lower montane (10%) and areas involved (3%), and is located on the border of the Llanganates National Park. Along with the reserves Cerro Candelaria and Naturetrek Candelaria form a corridor that connects the Llanganates National Park with the Sangay National Park. The reserve is located between the Hill Steward and the north bank of the river Pastaza, passing over the tunnel Churo Singuna, ensuring the first link key to creating connectivity and enable the mobility of the fauna, to prevent the direct passage for the road Baños – Puyo.

Flora and fauna

Among the species that can be found in this area are the Andean Eagle (Spizaetus isidoriIN), the Tapir Andino (Tapirus pinchaque, IN) Andean Bear (Tremarctos ornatus, VU), and a species of tree endemic to the premises described in the 2015 Magnolia vargasiana (VU) and a gorgeous variety of orchids Teagueia.

Among the amphibians are some of which I described in the year 2022: Frog Torrent Seth McFarlane (Hyloscirtus sethmacfarlanei), and the Cutín of Burton (Pristimantis burtoniorum), in addition to the Cutín de la Candelaria (P. bellaeIN), the Cutín Moss (P. eriphus, VU), the Cutín Kay (Pristimantis kayi), Cutín de Yanez (Pristimantis yanezi, NT) and the Osornosapo Simpson (Osornophryne simpsoni, IN), as well as several new species in the process of description.

How do I know the booking Machay?

To reach the reserve, you must first enter the community of Machay, for which you take the road E35 – E30 from Quito in the direction of Ambato – Baños de Agua Santa – Rio Verde. From Green River to continue in the direction of the Puyo until you reach the community of Machay, and then continue to walk for about a kilometer further north towards the reserve that adjoins the Llanganates National Park.
