Province of Tungurahua, canton Bathrooms, parish, Black River.
Surrounding communities:
The Mole.
19 hectares.
Montane forest and lower montane.
Altitudinal range:
1780 – 2100 masl
Endangered species:
Tremarctos ornatus (VU), Tapirus pinchaque (IN), Lagothrix lagothricha poeppigii (IN).
Description of the area
This reserve comprises part of the headwaters of the river Zuñag and the western foothills of the Cordillera de Abitagua.
Noah Britton, is part of the mosaic of properties in the river Zuñag, his name is because that was donated by the comedian Noah Britton. This is a virgin area very remote cloud forest and untouched in the headwaters of the river Zuñag, with elevations ranging from 1800 m to 2100 m limiting the Llanganates National Park. This book is the little visited due to its remoteness, so that most of it remains unexplored.
Flora and fauna
Very little research, and visits have been made in this book due to its remote location, however the forest is primary in its entirety, dominated by palms of the genus Dyctiocaryum, and trees Magnoliahowever it is necessary to continue the research to learn more about the species that inhabit in this sector.
The inhabitants of this reserve include representatives of the native fauna of the cloud forest as the Andean Bear (Bear (Tremarctos ornatus), VU), Tapir Andino (Tapirus pinchaque, IN), puma (Puma concolor), monkeys chorongos (Lagothrix lagotricha, IN) and the Andean Eagle (Spizaetus isidori, IN). Have not been conducted with samples from frogs or plants, for what is sure to interesting surprises await the scientists who carried out his first research in this forest.
Fundación EcoMinga is a non-ecuadorian non-profit organization that is dedicated to the protection of areas of high endemism and biodiversity.