
Province of Tungurahua, canton Bathrooms, parish Green River.

Surrounding communities:

Machay, Green River.


455 hectares of land.


Montane forest and lower montane.


Altitudinal range:

1320 – 2580 m

Endangered species:

Tremarctos ornatus (VU), Spizaetus isidori (IN), Tayassu pecari (VU), Noblella naturetrekii (IN), Pristimantis bellae (IN), Pristimantis churuwiai (VU), Pristimantis rubicundus (NT).

Description of the area

The booking Naturetrek Candelaria is located between the south bank of the river Pastaza, between our reserves Cerro Candelaria and Machay, forming an essential link in the CELS, achieving through this reserve to connect the two national parks Llanganates and Sangay. It is covered by montane forests (95%), and managed areas (5%).

Flora and fauna

In this book excels as a new species of Noblella naturetrekii (IN), and the Cutín de la Candelaria (Pristimantis bellae, IN), Pristimantis churuwiai (VU), P. rubicundus (NT) . Among the plants that highlights the recently described Blakea attenboroughii. Other threatened species recorded in the reserve includes the White-Lipped Peccary (Tayassu pecari, VU), together with the Andean Eagle (Spizaetus isidori, IN) and the Andean Bear (Tremarctos ornatus, VU) and the Puma (Puma concolor, VU).

How do I know the Booking Naturetrek Candelaria?

To reach the Reserve Naturetrek Candelaria, accessed from the canton Baños de Agua Santa, with public or private transport to take the highway E30 Baños de Agua Santa – The Pleasure; reaching the hamlet Pleasure, or Machay, which are the populations closest to the reservation.

Starting from the hamlet Pleasure head to foot in a southerly direction, crossing the bridge of the Pastaza river, about 2.5 kilometres of track to be hampered.

If it enters the hamlet Machay, cross the bridge over the Pastaza river, to get to the start of the booking which is located after crossing the bridge, where they found a door. For admission, you must have the authorization of the Fundación EcoMinga and accompaniment of the park of the reserve.
