
Province of Tungurahua, canton Bathrooms, parish Ulba.

Surrounding communities:



36 acres.


Forest lower montane.


Altitudinal range:

2550 – 2860 meters

Endangered species:

Tremarctos ornatus (VU), Tapirus pinchaque (IN), Nasuella olivacea (NT), Pristimantis eriphus (VU), P. pastazensis (IN), P. tungurahua (IN), P. marcoreyesi (IN).

Description of the area

It is located in the upper valley of the Shaman, a few miles from Bath and is connected with the Sangay National Park, through a mountain ridge, which is used by the mountain tapir to go to the river Shaman and licks natural. Is fully covered by montane forest (100%). This conservation effort is joined to the one conducted by the Foundation Oscar Efren Reyes (100 ha), and extends its area of protection to the Sangay National Park.

Flora and fauna

This reserve protects a large mammals, including the Andean Bear (Tremarctos ornatus, VU) and the Tapir Andino (Tapirus pinchaque, IN), as well as the Coati andean west (Nasuella olivacea, NT). This forest has a set of orchids in different ridges parallel located to the east, due to its drier climate and seasonal, being the most rare Lepanthes elytriferabecause it's only has found a plant of this species in the entire world.

Also, there have been birds like the Toucan Andean Pechigrís (Andigena hypoglauca), the Chamaeza Barreteada (Chamaeza mollissima) and choco tinamou Pechileonado (Nothocercus julius).

Among the amphibians found in this reserve are the Cutín Moss (Pristimantis eriphus, VU), and other endemic species including the Cutín de Marco Reyes (P. marcoreyesi, IN), Cutín de Pastaza (P. pastazensis, IN), Cutín de Chamana (P. donnelsoni), Cutín of Tungurahua (P. tungurahua), Frog crystal high andes (Centrolene buckleyi, CR).
