Province of Tungurahua, canton Bathrooms, parish, Black River.
Surrounding communities:
Cologne Azuay.
50 hectares.
Forest lower montane.
Altitudinal range:
1680 – 1960 m
Endangered species:
Tremarctos ornatus (VU), Tapirus pinchaque (IN), Spizaetus isidori (IN), Atelopus palmatus (CR), Nymphargus anomalus (IN).
Description of the area
This book is entirely covered by montane forest, and is home to a composition of flora and fauna very particular. The booking Frogs Glass Adela is a legacy given in the year 2021 by Adela Espinosa and Antonio Páez, who considered this place as a refuge for biodiversity and have supported the research in the field of herpetology; this has allowed us to new species and globally threatened including the Jambato of Andersson (Atelopus palmatus, CR) and Frog Glass Adela (Hyalinobatrachium adespinosai, DD), a new species is dedicated to the mentalizadores of this book, which is now part of our network of forest protection and has allowed us to connect this area with the Reserve River Zuñag.
Flora and fauna
This reserve is dominated by cloud forest, with trees Magnolia palm and ramos (Ceroxylon). The name of this reserve, part of the great diversity and endemism of frogs in the family Centrolenidae, which include species such as Frog Glass Adela (Hyalinobatrachium adespinosai, DD), Frog Glass Anomalous (Nymphargus anomalus, IN), Frog Glass of Coca river (Nymphargus siren, IN) and Frog glass of Mary Ellen (Chimerella mariaelenae). Additionally, in the area is observed with ease bears, andean (Tremarctos ornatus, VU) and the Tapir Andino (Tapirus pinchaque, IN)
How to know the book of the Frogs of Glass Adela?
To get to the book of the Frogs of Glass Adela, you must first enter the house of The Mole, taking the road E35 – E30 from Quito in the direction of Ambato – Baños de Agua Santa – The Mole. From the houses of The Mole head in the direction of north for 11 km happening Colony Azuay and continue for about 3 km to the north, until you reach the reserve that adjoins the Llanganates National Park.
The reserve has a house dedicated to the scientific and technical visits, where you can receive up to 8 people. The House of the Ranas of Glass is located 1 km from cologne Azuay and 8 km from the village of The Mole.
Fundación EcoMinga is a non-ecuadorian non-profit organization that is dedicated to the protection of areas of high endemism and biodiversity.