
Province of Tungurahua, canton Bathrooms, parish Bathrooms.

Surrounding communities:

San Antonio.


40 hectares.


Forest montane and upper montane.


Altitudinal range:

2400 – 3100 masl

Endangered species:

Tapirus pinchaque (IN), Tremarctos ornatus (VU), Mazama rufina (VU), Leopardus tigrinus (VU), Spizaetus isidori (IN), Pristimantis modipeplus (VU), P. pastazensis (IN), Riama balneator (IN), P. tungurahua (IN), P. marcoreyesi (IN), P. tingle (CR).

Description of the area

This book bears the name of Don Nelson Palaces local inhabitant, who was involved in numerous research expeditions and amphibians, and large mammals in the eastern part of the Tungurahua volcano, also allowed the consolidation of this area of conservation through his legacy. The reserve is located in the eastern flank of the volcano Tungurahua and corresponds to montane forests. This reserve allows the connectivity between different areas of conservation, including the Sangay National Park, the reserve Olivier Currat. It is covered by montane forest (64%) and managed areas (36%).

Flora and fauna

In this area have been discovered so many frogs, including Frog Glass Andean Buckley (Centrolene buckleyi, CR), the Cutín de Pastaza (Pristimantis pastazensis, IN), Cutín de Tungurahua (P. tungurahua, IN), Cutín de Marco Reyes (P. marcoreyesi, IN) and the Cutín of Tingle (P. tingle, CR). This last species is known only from a small area on the eastern flank of the volcano Tungurahua. This site is also one of only two locations where it has been recorded in the world, reptile Riama balneator (IN), and is currently the only protected area for this species.

Other threatened species include the Tapir Andino (Tapirus pinchaqueIN), the Andean Bear (Tremarctos ornatus, VU), Soche Small Red (Mazama rufina, VU), Tigrina Northern (Leopardus tigrinus, VU) and the Andean Eagle (Spizaetus isidori, IN). This reserve, it also protects access to the licks for tapirs of our booking Olivier Currat.
