
Province of Tungurahua, canton Bathrooms, parish Ulba.

Surrounding communities:

San Antonio.


31 hectares.


Forest montane and upper montane.


Altitudinal range:

2750 – 3300 masl

Endangered species:

Tremarctos ornatus (VU), Tapirus pinchaque (IN), Spizaetus isidori (IN), Riama balneator (IN), Pristimantis modipeplus (VU), P. pastazensis (IN), Vultur gryphus (VU).

Description of the area

The reserve is located on the eastern side of the Tungurahua volcano and is covered by montane forest and shrub vegetation (100%), including some trees Podocarpus very old. In this little book, born to one of the sources of water for the canton Baños de Agua Santa, so that to ensure its conservation, to keep the benefits of their ecosystem services over time.

Flora and fauna

Among the species found in the reserve include the Andean Eagle (Spizaetus isidoriIN), the Andean Bear (Tremarctos ornatus, VU), the Tapir Andino (Tapirus pinchaque, IN), and the Toucan Mountain Gray-breasted (Andigena hypoglauca), occasionally observes the Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus, VU). This book is important because of the licks for tapirs. The booking Olivier Currat, stands out because of the threatened amphibians endemic among which are the Cutín de Urbina (Pristimantis modipeplus, VU), Cutín de Tungurahua (P. tungurahua, IN) and the Cutín de Pastaza (P. pastazensisIN), the Cutín de Marco Reyes (P. marcoreyesi, IN), and the Cutín de Chamana (P. donnelsoni), the lizard leafminers of the province of Tungurahua (Riama balneator, IN).
